Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Pants: Melesia Robinson Sneakers: AIR JORDAN 1 RETRO HIGH '85 OG 'BLACK WHITE'

Happy New Month! May this month be filled with lots of healthy healing and love!

We've all been there; feeling an emotional wound, resurfacing and grasping for healing, understanding that life is too short not to feel whole. Yet so often when we are triggered - or deep-rooted pain from a past experience surfaces - it can dampen our progress towards wellness and peace. It’s frustrating to experience sudden bouts of anxiety, depression or sadness when life seems to be going well. You may find yourself repeatedly pulled back into the trauma as if you’ve been stuck in a time loop; with no control over your emotions or wellbeing. In this blog post we will explore how to break free of these chains. We will claim ownership of our healed state until another trigger finds its way into our lives. I'm learning that healing is a never-ending cycle. You'll have to constantly work on ways to cope with your traumas and triggers. 

I was triggered this past weekend. I knew I was triggered, but I didn't admit it to myself right away. My emotions got the best of me and the reason for my trauma kept replaying itself in my head. I began to overthink and I spiraled down this self-sabotaging rabbit hole. Three days later, I literally had to ask myself why I was doing this. It helped me snap back into reality and gave me a reason to laugh. I've done the work before and I can and will do it again. It is important for me to do the work not only for myself, but also for my children. They deserve a mom who is willing to fight and overcome. 

If we can become aware enough to listen to what our body is telling us—like where the discomfort stems from and how it’s connecting with our current environment—we can start transforming these unexpected triggers into opportunities to explore underlying unresolved issues. It’s admirable when anyone takes steps to heal from their triggers, and it’s also vital to recognize that healing comes in stages. Even when you feel healed, it’s imperative to stay mindful and aware of potential triggers. In addition, it's important to have strategies in place to help you manage any difficult situations that may arise. There are many resources available to help you navigate difficult times, such as counseling, support groups, and online communities. It is important to find what works for you and to find another when one thing stops working.

The best version of you is here and now - Melesia Robinson

I curated a list to help that you can start with. You don't have to follow these in order, but I recommend them. My suggestions are only based on my experience, as I am not a doctor or professional.

  1. Seek professional help. Trauma is best addressed with the help of a mental health professional.

  2. Connect with supportive people. Find a safe and supportive environment in which to talk to people who understand what you’re struggling with.

  3. Practice self-care. Take the time to take care of yourself by getting adequate sleep, eating healthy, and engaging in activities you enjoy. Taking time for yourself to do activities that make you feel satisfied can help to restore balance in your life.

  4. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness can help you become aware of your thoughts and emotions and can help you learn to better manage them.

  5. Try relaxation techniques. Practice deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery to help relax your body and mind.

  6. Exercise. Exercise can help reduce stress, improve mood, and help your body and mind heal.

  7. Focus on the present. Acknowledge the past but try to focus on the present and move forward.

  8. Acknowledge your strengths. Remind yourself of your strengths and what you have accomplished in life.

  9. Find your purpose. Find something that brings meaning to your life, such as volunteering or pursuing a passion.

  10. Create a safe space - This could be a place in your home or a specific item that you can use to provide comfort when feeling overwhelmed.

  11. Create positive affirmations - Writing or saying positive statements about yourself can help to shift your perspective and promote feelings of self-love and acceptance.

  12. Compassionately talk to yourself - Talk to yourself in the same way that you would to a loved one - be gentle, understanding, and kind.

  13. Journal - Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help to provide clarity, perspective, and insight.

  14. Practice visualization - Visualizing yourself as a calm, confident person can help to reduce stress and create a feeling of peace and tranquility.

My first priority in life is to create and maintain a safe space for myself and my children - both physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. It's important for me to take strides towards my healing process with preparation and self-care, but sometimes things beyond our control can cause us to feel vulnerable or exposed. When faced with unexpected trauma or conflict, it may trigger negative emotions like anger or fear - making our job of protecting those we love so much more difficult. But there's hope! Explore how you can become empowered by healing unresolved or resurfaced conflicts from the past so that you are better able to manage any triggers that come up in the future. Happy Healing!

"I refuse to stay stuck in areas God said I would prosper in". - Melesia Robinson


Please check out my book #SorryMelody, available on Amazon.

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