Dove Advance Care Influenster Voxbox

Monday, February 3, 2014

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

Hey Beauties,
I have another influenster review here for you all. On January 28, 2014 I received the survey to see if I would quality for the next voxbox. On January 30, 2014 I received the email stating that I did qualify and my voxbox was on its way. I was also provided with postal tracking information. It took 3 business days to get here. Which I thought was pretty AWESOME! 

I received my #influenster #VoxBox today and I am super excited to share with you all. I got the Dove Advanced Care Deodorant. (Duh.. you can see that in the pictures) Just when I got out the shower Darnell (my fiancé) brought the box to me.  I started doing the voxbox dance. I was super excited! It was right on time of course I wasn't hesitant to open the box and try my new deodorant on right away. It goes on clear, smoothly and I feel like it will do an amazing job at working overtime.  

If you do not know what Influenster is, it is a website you can sign up for to receive products for free! All you have to do is create an account, complete some surveys and be active on the website to begin receiving boxes. Once you receive a box, there are things you have to do to continue receiving boxes through them. First, you have to check in your box when you receive it. This will open up all sorts of other activities for you to do. These activities can be anything from sharing your box on YouTube to sharing the products you got on all sorts of other social media. Then, you just have to complete some final surveys and everything is complete. The more active you are on the site the more likely you are to receive another box.

If you would like to try out Influenster, sign up here!


Product Description:

New Dove Advanced Care Anti-Perspirant Deodorant delivers 48-hour odor and wetness protection plus NutriumMoisture and an elegant floral scent for the ultimate care after every shave. Find your favorite fragrance now with the best of care from Dove.
Thank you Dove for making a product that is worth recommending to a friend!

Dove on the web 
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How frequently do you buy Dove products?

#RaiseYourArms #Dove #influenster

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  1. I like Dove products...They suit me...Would def love to try this hun :)

    Would love your visit to my blog :) <3
    My Recent Post I Love...Coconut Face Mask Review

  2. I love all of Dove's products we use them alot here :-)

  3. Dove is a staple brand in our house! I will certainly be searching for this on my next shopping trip.

  4. Dove is so real and so made for women all their products suit us like a glove!
    Glad you got a big one to enjoy!

  5. I love Dove. They have the best products seriously. Very awesome for sensitive skin.

  6. I also use Dove products. Really great product, no deodorant stains on your clothes with this one!

  7. I used to buy Dove deodorant - and really liked it - before I started making my own.

  8. I have always loved and used Dove products. I will have to try this new deodorant they came out with-I have not seen it at the store but will be looking for it.

  9. Dove is a great brand I use them A LOT! I love the powder scents!!

  10. My under arms are very sensitive, so the only deodorant I can use is Dove. It's gentle and more importantly, IT WORKS!!! I will have to pick up this kind to try it out :)

  11. I love Dove - I haven't tried on this one yet though - but would love to soon!

  12. I have used some dove in the past and have liked all the products. I am going to have to check this out as well.

  13. I'm going get one for my girlfriend today and surprise her! She has complained about sensitivity and not being able to find something sensitive with wetness protection! I just might be a superhero in her eyes now! :)

  14. Look at the goodies box filled with Dov Products! They are great and I especially love their shampoo :)

  15. I love Dove products. The scent alone is just heavenly to me. I love the fresh, soapy, clean scent of all their products!

  16. I love Dove! I haven't used this stick just yet I think I missed it the last time I was at the store but plan on picking it up.

  17. I love how Dove deodorant keeps my skin soft, but I don't like that most don't have amazing protection. I will have to check Advanced care out, I have to have something that works amazing and it sounds like this one does!

  18. I have to admit I do love Dove products :) they always seems so kind on the skin x

  19. I have always liked Dove products. I use their deodorant myself.

  20. I love my DOVE products. I have a few of their deodorants in my bathroom right now.

  21. WoW!! 48 hour odor protection. Not sure who would need it for that long but it is nice to know you are protected.. just in case.

  22. love dove produts.
    great review.

  23. I buy them fairly regularly because they're so soft, creamy and moisturizing. I like them a lot!

  24. Dove has some really great products. I have not tried the Deodorant yet. I will have to look for it.

  25. I am a big fan of Dove, when you run like I do - you want something that works the best.

  26. I love Dove and have used it for years. They have great products.

  27. I LOVE Dove products especially their deodorant. I would love this especially since it is extra creamy!

  28. I love Dove products because they smell great and really help to moisturize my skin.

  29. I love Dove products. My favorite product is their body wash but I have used the deodorant and like that as well.

  30. I love all dove products especially their deodorant

  31. I just love Dove products. So soft and gentle on my skin

  32. I like most Dove products! I haven't heard of this one though.. I'll have to take a look. I just added some Dove Shampoo to my rotation in the shower!

  33. I love Dove products. Actually at one time it was the only thing I could use to bathe with because it was so mild. Will have to check out this one too.

  34. One of my kids has sensitive skin so she uses Dove for w/out fragrance sensitive skin. It's a great company. I thought the vvoxbox was filled with extra goodies. :-)
